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Eliminating homelessness for women and children in Kitsap County.
“It is hard to argue that housing is not a fundamental human need. Decent, affordable housing should be a basic right for everybody in this country. The reason is simple:
without stable shelter, everything else falls apart.”
Matthew Desmond, Evicted: Poverty and Profit in the American City
What's in a name?
Our organization's name, OHannah House Ministries, is derived from two places:
1. `Ohana in Hawai'ian means ‘family’.
2. Hannah in Hebrew (×—Ö·× Ö¸Ö¼×”) is derived from the meaning 'favor' or 'grace'. The Oxford A Dictionary of First Names attributes the name to a word meaning 'He (God) has favored me (with a child)'. Hannah's story can be found in an ancient Hebrew manuscript, the Books of Samuel.
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